Thanks for visiting! I decided that since I was not able to post in each blog every day, I would try to post in just one everyday. Each day you'll find either a POTD challenge or a glimpse into our little lives - or both!

So consider this notice a redirection and click here:

Thanks again for checking me out!

Friday, May 4, 2007

My New Shirt

This is the new shirt I received today for giving blood. I was putting it away when I realized it was perfect for this week's theme. So what do I do outside the world of photography? I save lives!

(Western Kentucky Regional Blood Center)

My "Other" Job

I work part time from home for my Brother-In-Law's Crop Insurance Business. Can you imagine me talking about corn and soybeans? It is a blessing for me to be able to stay home with my son and still be able to work and bring in a little extra income. The people I work for/with are great and that is always so important in a job so I am very happy!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Church Lady

Yeah, I'm a Church Lady. LOL
I do a lot with my church. It's kind of hard not to get involved when it's such a good cause, there's lots of nice people, lots to do, and yeah, DH being the pastor may have something to do with it! My fave thing about church is the teens. I love those crazy kids! I help out during youth meetings but I also teach the Youth Sunday School class. This is the book we are currently using...


This week's theme is "What You Do Outside The World Of Photography". The first thing that came to mind is playing with my son! We laugh at ourselves because all the cool toys we see that we would have loved as kids, we think our little guy has to have them too! Many days it looks like Toys R Us exploded in our yard (and in the house!). The other day, we spent the afternoon chalking up the driveway and had a blast. I love spending time with my favorite little boy!
(The writing you see is mine, I wrote it to show him what the chalk was all about! It says, "Mommy (heart)'s Jeremiah!")