Thanks for visiting! I decided that since I was not able to post in each blog every day, I would try to post in just one everyday. Each day you'll find either a POTD challenge or a glimpse into our little lives - or both!

So consider this notice a redirection and click here:

Thanks again for checking me out!

Friday, May 4, 2007

My New Shirt

This is the new shirt I received today for giving blood. I was putting it away when I realized it was perfect for this week's theme. So what do I do outside the world of photography? I save lives!

(Western Kentucky Regional Blood Center)

My "Other" Job

I work part time from home for my Brother-In-Law's Crop Insurance Business. Can you imagine me talking about corn and soybeans? It is a blessing for me to be able to stay home with my son and still be able to work and bring in a little extra income. The people I work for/with are great and that is always so important in a job so I am very happy!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Church Lady

Yeah, I'm a Church Lady. LOL
I do a lot with my church. It's kind of hard not to get involved when it's such a good cause, there's lots of nice people, lots to do, and yeah, DH being the pastor may have something to do with it! My fave thing about church is the teens. I love those crazy kids! I help out during youth meetings but I also teach the Youth Sunday School class. This is the book we are currently using...


This week's theme is "What You Do Outside The World Of Photography". The first thing that came to mind is playing with my son! We laugh at ourselves because all the cool toys we see that we would have loved as kids, we think our little guy has to have them too! Many days it looks like Toys R Us exploded in our yard (and in the house!). The other day, we spent the afternoon chalking up the driveway and had a blast. I love spending time with my favorite little boy!
(The writing you see is mine, I wrote it to show him what the chalk was all about! It says, "Mommy (heart)'s Jeremiah!")

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


My Grandmother blessed me with an amazing gift the last time I went to visit. She presented me with her mother's wedding ring. It's small and simple. The band is warped from age and hardworking hands. I look at this ring and wonder what her life was like. I wonder what she was like. I have a copy of their wedding picture, the only picture I have of her. It's funny to look at such a young, beautiful woman and try to picture her as someone's grandmother, let alone a great grandmother! I will cherish this ring from deep in my heart. It is a treasure that I will one day pass along... {SS 1/250, F5.6, ISO 400, Manual Mode, Natural Light}

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Something old...

My DH grew up here so I asked him what the oldest thing in town was. He told me about this tree so we drove over there to take some pics. It is just a few feet from one of the busiest streets in town, in front of an insurance agency! So I wasn't going to get many "natural looking" shots! I hated all the shots from across the street (where I had to go to get a full top-to-bottom shot). Too many cars, signs and wires! Here are a few from that big old sassafras tree...

Sunday, April 15, 2007


I won't be here next week - out of town with no internet - pray for me! LOL But I wanted to post once more before I left and wanted to participate in next week's so I am a little early...

I love this kid! So many emotions come to mind when I see this sweet little face. There's just nothing like it!
(Just got a new lens - 50mm f/18. II - I am loving it! Now I just need to really practice with it!)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

POTD #15 Sun! Sun? Sun.

Cozy rainy day. So glad I didn't have to go anywhere, I could enjoy this day in my PJ's! Ahh the joys of working from home! When J lay down for his nap I stepped outside to capture the beautiful fluffy clouds hiding the sun. I haven't been on theme for this challenge forever! I came back in after shooting #1 and it poured! So I peeked out the back window and shot #2. I came back to my desk to look at the shots, it stopped raining so I went to get the complete set of shots: Before, After, and After That!
SS 1/4000, F 5.6, ISO 800 (?), Manual mode with natural light!

SS 1/200, F 5.6, ISO 800, Manual (from the safety of the window)

SS 1/4000, F 5.6, ISO 100, manual

Friday, April 6, 2007

Turning 31 Today...

Oh do I feel old! Had to update my self-portrait...

You can see it here: http://capturingeverydaylife.blogspot.com/2007/04/over-30.html

Thanks for visiting!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

POTD #13Cookies

My hubby doesn't understand why I like these Trefoils out of all the other Girl Scout cookie choices. He says they are boring! I like Thin Mints and Samoas... but I seem to like these the best. It's almost a comfort food to me! Yummy!