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Sunday, April 1, 2007

POTD #13Cookies

My hubby doesn't understand why I like these Trefoils out of all the other Girl Scout cookie choices. He says they are boring! I like Thin Mints and Samoas... but I seem to like these the best. It's almost a comfort food to me! Yummy!


Dar Kaso said...

Im with your hubby on the GS cookies, Samoas rock. Like your compostition here but the main cookie seems a bit overexposed, don't let stop you from eating it though.

Trisha said...

I like this picture! And i'm like you...I pick the most boring cookies when I buy Girlscout cookies...My niece sells them and I always buy the shortbread! I love the Peanut Butter Patties and the Lemonades, but shortbread? YUM-O!

Amanda said...

Samoa's are my fav! but you did a good job at making these look good! :)

Mom2Drew said...

Actually...these are my favorite! Especially with a cup of hot tea in the evening. I don't need all the facy fixin's on my cookies, but these will do me in everytime!

Great focus here and I like your simple background.

Just Being Sam said...

This makes me crave girl scout cookies and this is the first year I didn't buy any. I love Thin Mints and Samoa's. Nice pic...just got carried away talking about food.

Lorrie said...

great job on this shot. the background looks great and your focus in nice too. Now, would you please pass me one?