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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Church Lady

Yeah, I'm a Church Lady. LOL
I do a lot with my church. It's kind of hard not to get involved when it's such a good cause, there's lots of nice people, lots to do, and yeah, DH being the pastor may have something to do with it! My fave thing about church is the teens. I love those crazy kids! I help out during youth meetings but I also teach the Youth Sunday School class. This is the book we are currently using...


Krissynae said...

Great photo... That would me a great cover to a bulliten. Great idea

Amy said...

That is a great photograph, I have some really cool ones I took (for a scrapbook I'm doing for my mom)that I'll post during the faith week. I'm glad to see you help out with the youth ~ you gotta have a heart for that, I think it would drive me crazy.

Melissa said...

Good for you Joanne! I really like this photo too, great angle, etc.

Sue said...

Great pic, but what a wonderful way to spend your time! Must take some patience sometimes ;)

Mom2Drew said...

Another church lady reporting in! Like the clarity and composition of this shot, very nice.

jen said...

Awesome shot!!!

robin said...

Great that you work with teens, it takes a special, very patient person to do it! I like the comp and focus on this shot.