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Friday, May 4, 2007

My New Shirt

This is the new shirt I received today for giving blood. I was putting it away when I realized it was perfect for this week's theme. So what do I do outside the world of photography? I save lives!

(Western Kentucky Regional Blood Center)


Heather Taylor Photography said...

AWESOME post!! Love the originality of this!

Just Being Sam said...

I am so glad that you do this. I have not donated in awhile. Now that my ds has preschool that would be the perfect time for me to go and save a life. Great take on the theme.

Michelle said...

very cool shirt! and how true. great capture.

Jess said...

That is an awesome shirt! I want one SOOOO bad! Kudos to you for doing such a wonderful, selfless thing. I have wanted to donate blood forEVER, but they never will let me. I either don't weigh enough, or I'm always pregnant, LOL! ;c) I guess I shouldn't complain though.

And hey! It just now dawned on me that you're in KY too! Wow, small world huh?!