Thanks for visiting! I decided that since I was not able to post in each blog every day, I would try to post in just one everyday. Each day you'll find either a POTD challenge or a glimpse into our little lives - or both!

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Sunday, April 15, 2007


I won't be here next week - out of town with no internet - pray for me! LOL But I wanted to post once more before I left and wanted to participate in next week's so I am a little early...

I love this kid! So many emotions come to mind when I see this sweet little face. There's just nothing like it!
(Just got a new lens - 50mm f/18. II - I am loving it! Now I just need to really practice with it!)


Trisha said...

Just look at that sweet face! Super Sweet!

Michelle said...

what a cutie! those eyes will definitely do some girl in in the future! great post and have fun next week.

robin said...

Very cute! Looks like you have a good start with your new lens. The coloring looks great. We'll miss you next week and expect to see you posting when you get back. Sorry, you don't have internet access when you're gone.

Cindi Koceich said...

Have a safe trip and I'll say a prayer for you!
He is a doll!! Love this shot!!

Dar Kaso said...

What a sweet shot. Enjoy you new lens and have a safe trip.

Lorrie said...

he's a cutie! enjoy your time away from the computer and internet... we'll be here when you get back!! lol..