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Thursday, March 29, 2007

POTD#13 Pizza Party!

If you promise a bunch of hungry teens pizza, you'd better deliver! (Um, no pun intended there) When I saw this stack of pizza boxes waiting to be devoured, I thought of this week's theme so *snap* went the camera with a bunch of satiating onlookers giving me strange looks. If you've ever seen a bunch of teens inhale pizza, you'll know why I didn't want to share pics of them eating!
SS 1/20, F/5, ISO 800, Av mode


Dar Kaso said...

Great shot of the pizza boxes, can almost smell the pizza inside.

jen said...

very cool. Dominos would be happy to have that shot for their site I'm sure!

Sue said...

Ugh.. I 'm such a pizza lover - I just ate, but now I want some pizza... dominos is awesome :)

robin said...

Not a Dominos fan, but a great photo, I like the angle.

Rheagan Leatherwood said...

Makes me want to cook pizza tonight. I think I will. TFS!

Cindi Koceich said...

Too Funny! I really like the angle of this shot! I've got to stop reading these things when I'm hungry!!!

Lorrie said...

great shot! thatsa lotta pizza!!
nice focus and color.