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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

POTD #15 Sun! Sun? Sun.

Cozy rainy day. So glad I didn't have to go anywhere, I could enjoy this day in my PJ's! Ahh the joys of working from home! When J lay down for his nap I stepped outside to capture the beautiful fluffy clouds hiding the sun. I haven't been on theme for this challenge forever! I came back in after shooting #1 and it poured! So I peeked out the back window and shot #2. I came back to my desk to look at the shots, it stopped raining so I went to get the complete set of shots: Before, After, and After That!
SS 1/4000, F 5.6, ISO 800 (?), Manual mode with natural light!

SS 1/200, F 5.6, ISO 800, Manual (from the safety of the window)

SS 1/4000, F 5.6, ISO 100, manual


cristina said...

Wow Joey, I'm totally liking shot #1 and #3. I love the details and composition of both. Plus the colors are very nice as well.
I think shot #2 could use a bit of a color pop and USM since it looks a bit dark!


AmyC said...

Wow, very cool shots! I'm loving the fluffiness & depth of the clouds in the first one, and you really stopped those drops in the second one. Good job!

The third is my favorite, though! I just love it!

Kirsty said...

Love #1! the fluffiness of the clouds against the awesome blue sky!
Love how you have captured the water dropping in #2! #3 is great love the sun shining through the clouds!

Michelle said...

i can't pick a favorite..wah! but i'm leaning toward #2. i think you stopped those drops great! your color is incredible in all of these.

Lindsey said...

Great job! I too love the "stopped" rain drops! The clouds in #3 are very scary!! great color in all 3!

Melissa said...

I really like the blue in the first one. You did a great job with stopping the rain drops!

Mom2Drew said...

Oooo, these are fun! I like that dark sky in #3 and how you framed #1. #2 is perfect for the Spring, maybe just a slight color boost on that one, but..really, really nice job.

Dar Kaso said...

Very cool shots! Really like the raindrops on the table!

Amy Covey said...

These are fun! I love the fluffy clouds in #1...and great job capturing the drops of rain in #2. #3 is my fav though - very dramatic!

robin said...

Great series of photos. I like how the trees create a frame in the first one and the water splashes in the second one. Thanks for sharing your before & afters!

Trisha said...

Wow! Great shots! Love that water droplet shot and the pics of the sky are soo beautiful!

Patti said...

Great series of shot. #3 is my favourite.

Just Being Sam said...

I love them all but i really like #2. I even showed them to laz and he liked them too. I'll miss you next week.

Veronica V Photography said...

Love these! The first one is my favorite, the colors look great.