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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Something old...

My DH grew up here so I asked him what the oldest thing in town was. He told me about this tree so we drove over there to take some pics. It is just a few feet from one of the busiest streets in town, in front of an insurance agency! So I wasn't going to get many "natural looking" shots! I hated all the shots from across the street (where I had to go to get a full top-to-bottom shot). Too many cars, signs and wires! Here are a few from that big old sassafras tree...


Amanda said...

I think that i have to say that the last one is my fave! LOVE the composition.

Anna said...

I agree with pp the last one is great...composition and texture! I always love texture in photos

AmyC said...

Oh, Joanne! I find these very interesting! I think you did a great job with composition, and what a stinkin' cool tree!

I think the last two are my favorites. Great comp. in both of those!

Amy said...

What an awesome tree! I think the 4th one is my fav. I love those bright leaves against the dark trunk. You did a great job concealing the busy location it's at.

Michelle said...

that is a neat tree. i agree with all that has been said before me...can't add much. except i like that you added a clear shot of the sign. neat history and i never knew trees could get a sign!

ibecks said...

Lots of great compositions in a very challenging location - well done.

Sue said...

This is really neat - I love the last one - and that first one is great with the sign all about it. That is one big tree!

Dana said...

I, too, love the last one, but I also dig the third one. Your colors look really great(love that green)...doesn't look like your in a funk to me.

Cindi Koceich said...

I love all of your different angles! That is one huge tree! Great job!

jen said...

I know what you mean about the rut or the funk! You did good though!!!

Just Being Sam said...

So I live in this town and I don't know where this tree is. I need directions. Ha!Ha!. I love the shots and I bet they were hard to get. Great job.

Lorrie said...

I think that the colors and textures you captured make these shots much more than BLAH!!

Veronica V Photography said...

What a great set of photos! I love the last one.