Thanks for visiting! I decided that since I was not able to post in each blog every day, I would try to post in just one everyday. Each day you'll find either a POTD challenge or a glimpse into our little lives - or both!

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Friday, March 9, 2007

POTD #10 - Kid Viewer

I love that my minivan came with a kid viewer mirror! Being obsessed with my little guy, it only made sense for me to see what he is doing back there but not so good for me to be turning around while driving! When my van was in the shop last year, the rental car drove me nuts because we were missing this feature. I would look up only to be frustrated that I couldn't see him! It's a little thing but it makes my life easier to know what the little guy is doing and if his screaming is because he's dying or just dropped his toy. It helps me to interact with him by knowing what he's doing and he knows I am right there with him, even if he can't really see me. And that makes life easier for the both of us.

{ss 1/100, F/13. ISO 1600, 43 mm, natural light, Av mode}


robin said...

Cute photo - love the hat!

Krissynae said...

Wonderful photo. This truly does make life easier