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Sunday, March 4, 2007

POTD Week #10

One of my favorite things in the whole world? To see the word "Washable" on the side of my toddler's markers. He loves to draw and markers seem to be his favorite medium for now. Do I fret? Nope! I've come to trust Crayola when they print this word on their product. It sure makes life easier to clean up in this house!
{ss 1/125, F/5.6, 46mm ISO - 400, natural light}


Just Being Sam said...

I can certainly agree with this. Your color looks great. I have never heard of leprechaun green. I guess I'm getting old.

Anonymous said...

Great colors. Really like how you stacked the markers and then placed the green one out front. I also love the washable products from Crayola. TFS

Chris said...

I like the composition. I think it needs a bit of a colour pop and some defogging. Love the subject, yest, it does make our lives easier doesn't it!

Michelle said...

love your colors and composition! you got some great detail too. i remember the "washable" days...LOL! good luck with the coloring!

Lindsey said...

Love the way your "posed" the markers!! I love it - leprechaun green! I do think it is a bit cloudy - or "washed out". Love the journaling too!