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Monday, March 5, 2007

POTD #10 Stepping Stool

This makes life easier for my son! Little Shorty can't reach the sink to brush his teeth witout a little help. I thought it was a cute shot but couldn't seem to get it right. Below is the original (except I turned it vertical). I took a ton of shots (he made a mess in the sink - water everywhere!), and used a ton of different settings (WB, SS...) couldn't get the yellow to go away! And the ones taken with flash were just horrible. So I ended up just choosing one that came out in focus and PSed it! I know the lighting was bad, was there anything I could have done differently? Oh yeah, and I know, the stinkin' rug should have been out of sight! I was too busy trying to get the color right! Oh well... TFL! CC Please so I can learn from my mistakes!
{ss 1/16, F/4.5 34 mm, ISO 400, available light}


robin said...

Very cute! I love the color in the first one - did you use a cooling filter in PS or how did you get rid of the yellow cast? I have the same problem with white. I have tried different WB settings and just can't get it exactly right. I know the goal is to get the white right, then the other colors will be true. Thanks for sharing!

Sue said...

Great job with the white!! My children totally need step stools :)

jen said...

White balance is so not my friend either! Your photoshopped top version looks awesome though! The colors pop and it's not yellow! Good job.

Unknown said...

Cute shot! We have the same step stool for my dd. TFS

Lorrie said...

cute picture. I think you pp'ed it just great!

Just Being Sam said...

TOO CUTE. I love what you did to the color. It really pops. Great Job

Lindsey said...

I have the SAME problem Joanne - I don't know what to do. But you did do a great job on the ps'ed version! Sorry I don't have the answer. I wish I did.