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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

POTD#11 More Blue!

I looked for blue things while we were out of town and found this fire hydrant! In honor of UK team spirit, they painted all of their hydrants blue across the city. I only had enough time to shoot while we waited for the light to change. I wish I would have taken more shots from other angles.
While we waited for my husband to get out of his meeting, we found these tiny little blue "flowers" hidden in the shade. I have no idea what they are, but they were cute!


Lorrie said...

I've never seen blue hydrants! love the second shot. and the flowers are sooo cool. they look like little mini roses, actually, the almost look fake!
Great captures! very unusual items!

Mom2Drew said...

Fun captures. So forgive me for having an idiot moment...are you in the UK?

Mom2Drew said...

Just kidding...you're in KY...I get it, UK! I'm totally blonde.

robin said...

I like the blue flowers. Are they real, cause I agree, they do look kind of fake, like little blue fake roses. Great photos - very unusual!

Just Being Sam said...

Well that is my home away from home. Nothing like blue everything. Go UK !!!!! I like the flowers...very different looking.