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Saturday, March 10, 2007

POTD#10 - DVD Player

I was hesitant to purchase this for our son. I didn't want to encourage more TV watching! Turned out to make life easier when we took long road trips. After the books, songs and scenery wear off, life is hard for a toddler stuck in a carseat for hours! That is when we break out some Blue's Clues or Veggietales. It has been wonderful to have this available for the last leg of the long drive. Gives him something to zone out with just long enough for us to get there! As you can see in the close-up of the buttons, Little Man has also figured out how to work it! (See the fingermarks and crayon bits?)

I tried taking it from several angles and used black foamcore just to try that out too. Took these in my living room with lamp lighting and flash but sometimes it came out a bit yellow-y. Guess I'll keep playing with my WB settings! Thanks in advance for CC!

{ISO - 800, ss 1/5, F/4, Av mode}

{ISO - 800, ss 1/8, F/5, Av mode}

{ISO - 800, ss 1/5, F/5, Av mode}

{ISO - 800, ss 1/4, F/4, Av mode}

Also, I was distracted for a moment by my son while shooting and accidentally clicked the * button. Didn't really know what that did but it sent out some flickering and then I got this weird shot! Crazy what your camera will do it you are not watching! I had to reset my camera's default setting to get back to normal! I re-read my manual and still don't know what I did. The second is the original shot (right before the funky one!) Just thought I'd share this for fun. Anyone know what happened? I'd love to understand!

{ISO - 800, ss 1/10, F/5.6, Av mode}

{ISO - 800, ss 1/4, F/4.5, Av mode}


Jenn said...

I can TOTALLY relate. My son watches this all the time in the car. We camp alot and we try to keep him entertained on the way there. He LOVES his movies. It's nice knowing too that they are LEARNING rather than just watching the tv:)Great Shots and composition!

AmyC said...

These are really fun shots! I like how you came at it from several different angles! I especially like the second one!

Patti said...

great shots I really like #2 and #3. I think the colour is best in these too also. I would love on of these for long car trips, but knowing my kids they would need one each coz they would never agree on what to watch.

~~Debb~~ said...

Love your angles.
I have one of these too! It's great for cuddling up in bed at the cottage to watch a movie!

Ingrid said...

I like the one from the top. Well done!

Jan said...

These are a fantastic invention! Love all the different angles,too. TFS

Just Being Sam said...

Thank goodness they have the dvd player all to themselves at this age. Samuel would trip out if he had to share his. I really like the foam stuff you used. I like all the shots.

Krissynae said...

Very cool photos. Love your blog about it and how it helps with your son

Lorrie said...

I really like the angel of the first one and the dof of the close up. As far as what happened in that wacky shot.... no idea! Was that STILL on the black foamboard?? how weird!

Mom2Drew said...

Like all your different angles. You know...I've never seen the need for these, but after reading your entry...am going to re-think the whole thing. Thanks.