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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

POTD #12

This toy has been through it. It is Jeremiah's favorite. Actually we've gone through two of this exact one and several other doodle boards. This Elmo & Cookie Monster one seems to be his fave of them all. Maybe because it's his first (design)? Maybe it's the size? It's easy to carry and fits perfectly in his lap. Either way, no matter how many others we've gone through, this one is a permanent fixture around here. He calls it his "draw" and it even made it into our family Christmas picture 2 years ago! I think it's time for another one...

The ISO is up really high, I know. It seemed so dark! I also couldn't seem to get a brighter white without blowing it. These were taken last night under my dining room light with no flash. Any ideas? HHCC always appreciated!


Jan said...

A well-loved toy. Very sweet!! Wish I could help with the whites... I'm working on that myself! Good luck. If you figure it out before I do, you have to share your secret! :)

Loved yesterdays Willow Tree's, too. Perfect!

jen said...

That's perfect! What a great way to document that toy and his love for it. I can feel a whole page scrapbook layout!

Teri said...

Colors are great. Maybe you can try taking these with natural light and during the day to avoid the shadows and then work with the white better in PS.

Joanne Fowler said...

Thanks for your comments everyone, and Thanks for the suggestion, Teri! I definitely like natural light better. But for the times I can't get it... any suggestions?

Jen said...

Hey.... I've got one of those at my house! LOL! Cute! (miami_mama)

Jenny said...

Nice colors. Love the close ups showing the "love" that this toy has had. Love your Willow Tree shots from yesterday too. Especially the third one. Not the usual angle on one of these figures.

Mom2Drew said...

Ok, so for having the ISO at 1600 you don't have a lot of noise...impressive. Did you run through noiseware? Your colors and focus look good here and a tip in PS about whites I learned...slide the highlight slider to left under levels and that will brighted a tad. Just be careful you don't go crazy or the colors will start to glow!

Katie said...

I like how you chose to show it against the white, and the whole shot vs the pieces.NIce!

Lorrie said...

terrific macros! great colors.

cristina said...

yep, like heather said, for that iso (1600) the noise is minimal. great job there! and i like your compositions too (all of them). they focus on the wear and tear of a toy and it reflects how much it's been treasured/loved.

great job!

Joanne Fowler said...

You all are nice, is this HHCC? LOL I know I'm a dork for the ISO being so high. I was playing with it and then left it on that by accident. DUH So, yes, I did run it through Noiseware! (love that stuff). mom2drew - I did slide it a little but then was afraid I'd blow everything else if I did more. Any other suggestions (Besides a decent ISO! LOL) Thanks again everyone!

Sue said...

Oh how darn cute. My dds love there doodle toys too. I love the first two pics the best. I really love how you composed and captured this memory. Great shots :)