We seem to have a million things with remotes... to alieviate the perpetual search for the right remote, my hubby bought this Universal Remote to use for three of our electronic devices! It saves time switching back and forth and saves on the clutter problem. So I deem it as something that makes our lives easier! That and we don't have to get off our lazy bums to change the channel! TFL! CC welcomed!
[SOOC, ss 1/60, F/5.6, 49mm, ISO 400, natural light, Macro setting}**UPDATED! You asked for a view of the whole remote - so here it is! I had a hard time getting the remote to give me a decent pose! LOL
{SOOC but cropped, ss 1/10, F/5.6, 55mm, ISO 400, natural light}
We have one of those universal remotes too. Great for when you want to switch between satelite, DVD, video game, Cd player or radio! I like that you placed the remote at a unique angle but I would personally like to see the whole remote. But that's totally a personal preferance. :-) TFS!
I am envious that you can get it to work, LOL. My dd has one and I still have to have my 3 y/o grandson turn the television on for me ;D
Your focus looks good on this and I love that you put it on a black background!
your focus is great and so is the angle. like that you got the numbers so sharp. have to agree that i would like to see the whole remote. great job though!
Nice sharp picture. We supposedly have a "universal" but for some reason my dh still needs another remote for the sound... he wants the sound coming out of the surround sound, not the TV itself, and hasn't been able to get it all to be done the way he wants it with 1 remote. Frustrating!
Nice sharp picture with great DOF.
Oh, I hear ya! I am the Remote Queen as I know each remote inside and out. As for DH, poor soul, he's LOST. Can't even turn it on sometimes!! ha ha.
Remotes.....someting is is always MIA around here!
I like your angle on this!!
Good shot and a greaat angle on one of life's essential items!
Too funny. Your remotes look in love. We have a zillion. While they are handy, they can also be quite annoying ;)
LOL, this is something on my list as we currently have 5 remotes residing in my family room. Nice shots. My complements to the photographer and the model.
I am jealous! Neither my hubby or I would be able to figure out a universal remote...LOL!! Great idea and shot!
Cool new shot! Really like how you placed the other remotes in the back. Gives the picture a bit of DOF. TFS again.
my remote is not my friend right now It refuses to do what it is told. Love the second picture. Good DOF.
Oh these shots are great! We have like 5 remotes; 1 for the DVD, 1 for the tv..etc.LOL!
These SO make our lives easier because if I'mmissing 1, I'm mad! How funny!
Well the 3 remotes in the background look like you took the pic at my house. your color looks great. I know you are loving the micro.
Great photos. Love the angle.
I need one too - but there are not any codes for our new tv....but maybe there are now! The last time I checked was in Nov/Dec. I love the DOF on the second one. Good Job!
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