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Friday, March 2, 2007

POTD #9 Scrapbooker

I'm a memory keeper, I'm a crafty artist, I'm an embellishment junkie... I'm a scrapbooker! I have always loved to take pictures and look at pictures. I used to go through the family albums and wonder what story lay behind each snapshot. Then the artsy/crafty side of me began to surface and I discovered scrapbooking - the perfect combination! Scrapbooking is more than memory keeping and a creative outlet. It brings me joy to look back and remember all the details of life that tend to get swallowed up and lost in the blur of life. I also love it when others look at my layouts and enjoy remembering and hearing the stories behind the pictures. I am looking foward to showing my grandchildren all the wonderful memories they might have never heard about if I had not filled these many albums.

Thanks for looking!
CC appreciated!
{SS 1/125, F5.6, ISO 400, 55mm, taken in macro mode}


Lorrie said...

Love the color and angle of the picture and your journaling is great!

Lindsey said...

Great Job! I love your journaling too!

Ingrid said...

I like the angle on this one. Well done.